Episode 74

Jordan Reasoner is a 4th generation bow hunter. It’s how he was raised. If you asked him, it was written that hunting was a part of who he was. You see that is Jordan’s motto – “It is Written”. He believes it so much that he has it tattooed on the inside of each of his biceps. It is written. It was written that to fight through an auto-immune disease he needed to move closer to the thing that was coursing through his blood – a lifestyle that sustained itself in the outdoors and wholesome foods. That transformation got him closer to the thing that he loves most to do in this world – that’s to hunt. When you get to know Jordan you will be taken aback by two things – his humility, and his unassuming demeanor. However, when you just scratch a little, you will find just under the surface, and incredibly intelligent and spiritual you may ever encounter. He lives to have a closer connection to the outdoors. He lives to constantly improve who he is so that he can better serve others. Because in the end … “It is Written”.