florida bear story

Florida’s Bears: A Short History

In 2015, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission considered…
Wild harvests could aid food insecurity and reduce wildlife hyperabundance
The prohibition of recreational hunting of wild ungulates in Spanish National Parks- Challenges and opportunities
Drivers of hunting and photographic tourism income to communal conservancies in Namibia
Undesirable evolutionary consequences of trophy hunting
Congressional Research Service on International Trophy Hunting
Evaluating key evidence and formulating regulatory alternatives regarding the UK’s Hunting Trophies Import Prohibition Bill
Recreational killing of wild animals can foster environmental stewardship
Targeted recreational hunting can reduce animal-vehicle collisions and generate substantial revenue for wildlife management agencies blood origins
Thermal aerial culling for the control of vertebrate pest populations
Fiordland Wapiti Foundation

FWF: The Crown Jewel of Conservation Under Threat

There is something misleading in the term "human nature." Sure,…