Tusklessness and tusk fractures in free-ranging African savanna elephants Loxodonta africana
Estimating population sizes for elusive animals- the forest elephants of Kakum National Park Ghana
Devastating Decline of Forest Elephants in Central Africa
This is Proof: Zimbabwe

PROOF: Zimbabwe

Estimating economic losses to tourism in Africa from the illegal killing of elephants
The Truth Hunters are Funding Anti-Poaching Around the World

TRUTH: Hunters are Funding Anti-poaching Around the World

blood origins original truth wild game vs filet mignon

TRUTH: Wild game VS. Filet Mignon

No matter the situation, there are constant battles being fought…
blood origins original proof duiker saved

PROOF: Duiker Saved

Hunters and hunting have a PR problem. Blood Origins has taken…
Hotspot elephant-poaching areas in the Eastern Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania
Ivory poachers and poison: drivers of Africa's declining vulture populations