Investing in our Hunting Heritage
Raise Em’ Outdoors camps are different. Their mission is dedicated to helping kids from any background, learning about the outdoors and hunting, but it also requires an adult in the house/family to atend the camp too so that those skills perpetuate once they come home from camp. COVID has reduces fundraising to a standstill. This project will fund the running of 5 camps in 2021. Remove the burden of fundraising in 2021 and help jumpstart the program into 2022.
Cost of 1 Camp: $5,000
5 Camps: $25,000
Follow through story
Capture the spirit of why the camp is so important, why imvesting in our heritage is so important. This could include capturing a follow-through story for an adult and child going from camp to their first hunting experience. Could be tied to a menotr.
Content capure: $5,000
Digital Reach: $2,000
Total: $32,000
Camp Execution only: $25,000
Folow through only: $5,000
Digital Reach only: $2,000
Investing in our Hunting Heritage
Raise Em’ Outdoors camps are different. Their mission is dedicated to helping kids from any background, learning about the outdoors and hunting, but it also requires an adult in the house/family to atend the camp too so that those skills perpetuate once they come home from camp. COVID has reduces fundraising to a standstill. This project will fund the running of 5 camps in 2021. Remove the burden of fundraising in 2021 and help jumpstart the program into 2022.
Cost of 1 Camp: $5,000
5 Camps: $25,000
Follow through story
Capture the spirit of why the camp is so important, why imvesting in our heritage is so important. This could include capturing a follow-through story for an adult and child going from camp to their first hunting experience. Could be tied to a menotr.
Content capure: $5,000
Digital Reach: $2,000
Total: $32,000
Camp Execution only: $25,000
Folow through only: $5,000
Digital Reach only: $2,000