blood origins tanzania

Engushay Primary School Construction students



$15,000 for classroom construction
$5,300 for water provisions and classroom supplies



$15,000 for classroom construction
$5,300 for water provisions and classroom supplies

Engushay Primary School is extremely short on resources and has been unable to provide proper covered classroom facilities for enrolled students for the past 5 years. In addition, the school is frequently forced to close due to lack of water availability because of limited storage capacity on site. Lack of suitable desks and chairs means that many students’ academic day is uncomfortable and lacking a suitable surface on which to write. A key incentive for school attendance for both parents and students is the provision of free meals during the school term. Due to lack of funding, Engushay has been unable provide these meals with consistency, resulting in reduced attendance. RHWF plans to expand the facilities at the school to ensure that there is space for all students in the immediate enrollment area. By providing new facilities, suitable desks, and chairs as well as ample water storage, uniforms for students and nutritious meals, RHWF will improve academic and health outcomes for hundreds of children in the surrounding area. Improved education is the key to ensuring productive futures for Tanzanian children and also building the capacity of future community leaders who will make key decisions around land use and wildlife conservation. It is our belief that educated and informed leaders are the key to ensuring a future for the great wilderness areas and iconic species of Northern Tanzania.

Project Partners:

sci west texas chapter logo     robin hurt limited logo