More Moose, More Wolves, More Predation.
Scientific papers are often difficult to decipher unless you…

Should Canada Hunt More Polar Bears?
Whether Canada should hunt more polar bears is controversial…

Why Spring? Why Bears?
Bear hunting spans from first people to step foot on the North…

Are Waterfowl Spreading Avian Flu?
This started out as a popularized review of an article about…

Spring Awakening: Bears emerge to forage intensely – “lethargy” is a myth
Spring brings the first breath of warmth into the woods and…

BC Judge Defines “Hunting Over Cultivated Land”
On September 28th, 2021, two individuals were elk hunting off…

Aoudad Hunting in West Texas: A Thriving Industry With Economic Benefits
West Texas, best known for its rugged landscapes and rich biodiversity…

Dear Victoria Politicians – Hunters and Animal Rights Activists Are on the Same Side of Some Issues, So Why Don’t We Try Working Together?

To Cull or Not To Cull
Examining the Pros and Cons of Australia’s Deer Cull

FWF: The Crown Jewel of Conservation Under Threat
There is something misleading in the term "human nature."

Louisiana Black Bears: A Conservation Success Story
Deep in the heart of Louisiana, nestled amidst towering pines…